sabotage gods by Chelsea Ellis


Chelsea Ellis
sabotage gods
, 2019
Digital photography on cold press paper
23” x 29”

Created in conversation with K-Ming Chang’s poem “Etymology of butch.” Chelsea Ellis notes, “I wanted to create an image that illustrates the failure of an object to fulfill its assumed purpose—such as a vessel failing to hold water. This idea is inspired primarily by the defiance in the final lines of the poem: ‘What god criminalizes creation? Mine / divine. Mine of my own hands. Mine of a prayer arrowheaded in silence, my body a steed I ride to sabotage // C. gods:'”

This item is for local Maine pick up only. We will email you upon receipt of your order to confirm your location and coordinate pick up. If you are outside of Maine and interested in purchasing—or have any other questions regarding ordering—please reach out through our contact page.

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